The Amsterdam Chemical Dispute (ACD) is the study association for students of the Bachelor Scheikunde and the Master of Chemistry in Amsterdam. The ACD was founded on November 7, 1945. Since then, the association has been promoting the interests of students of chemistry and related studies. It did this from 1945 for all chemistry students at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). In the earlier years, the association’s home location was on Roeterseiland. In 2010 the science studies moved to the Science Park and the ACD moved with it. Since 2016, both the Bachelor Scheikunde and the Master of Chemistry have joint degrees. That is to say, the program is followed at both the UvA and the VU University (VU). In addition to the study program, the ACD is therefore a study association at both the UvA and the VU. The ACD has over 500 members, including eleven Honorary Members and fifteen Members of Merit
The ACD supports the chemistry students of the UvA and the VU in the way they prefer. As a result, the ACD offers a large and diverse number of activities, so that there is something fun for everyone. In addition to activities, the ACD also supports students in many other ways, such as the sales of books and other study supplies. The association also maintains an extensive exam bank for courses of both the bachelor and master. The rooms of the ACD are also the place where chemistry students come together and can learn / talk / relax together. All this with the aim that all chemistry students feel welcome and pleasant during their studies.
Activities and committees
The ACD organizes both educational and social activities. An annual symposium, two orientation markets, many lectures and excursions, a company day and a foreign excursion trip are part of the educational activities. In addition, the ACD also takes part in the PAC symposium every year. Social activities include monthly activities of our Bar Committee (ABC), weekly drinks of the ABC (on Fridays in the Brainwave in building A at Science Park), four parties at various locations, a Allyearsweekend, a freshman weekend, the ACDiner, bimonthly sports activities and many activities for our active members (CWAL), first-year students (EJC) and master students (MAC). Furthermore, activities are organized together with both science associations at the UvA and at the VU and the ACD participates in the ONCS, a large sports tournament for all chemistry students in the Netherlands. The activities of the ACD are not only organized by the board. The ACD has a large number of committees that together arrange the coolest events, the best facilities and the most useful things for the ACD. The committees can be filled by all members of the ACD. Are you interested in participating in a committee? Then you can find an overview of the ACD’s committees here.
The periodical of the association is entitled ACiD. This magazine is published 4 to 5 times a year and is filled with reports of surveys, opinion pieces, puzzles and other pieces by members of the magazine committee. More information can be found here.
On this website you can find even more information about the ACD, the study program, the universities and much more. Feel free to look around. If there are any more questions, you are more than welcome to visit one of the association chambers or to send an email to the board via